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Video Review : Magic Flashlight

Do you like snowboard? I do! Since last 3 years, I've been snowboarding seriously. Very serioulsy. It's not easy to impress the viewers especially when we're doing the same stunts or something. Tricky, it is. Then, Mike Benson was born. He comes up with one of the greatest snowboard movies that I've ever watched. It's entitled "Magic Flashlight". What's the relation with either snow or board? You'll see.

Okay, the first two sentences above was such a lie. This Mike Benson impresses the viewers not by hovering for minutes, or rotating in the air relentlessly. He only adds some motion work in his video and that's done it. After Effects is used to achive the great result. The technique he uses is a modified version af Andrew Kramer's After Effects Light Streak Tutorial which needs Particular Plugin. Nice. Even I haven't yet managed to have a good command of it. Messing with settings and also scripting. D'oh. Enjoy.

Knife Show Inc and friends uncover a strange phenomenon at Timberline Lodge at Mt Hood. Snowboarding video takes place in and out of High Cascade Summer Camp. Shot and edited by Mike Benson. Starring Brendan Hayes, Eli weiner, Scott Stevens, Chris Beresford, Matty Mo, Jesse Burtner, and Casey Wrightsman.

Magic Flashlights from Mike Benson on Vimeo.

p.s:After watching this, my lil bro asked, "Do these things really exist?" LOL
p.s.s:I've actually stumbled this upon here

Tutorial : Photoshop Typography Masking

السلام عليكم Finally, I'm here again, typing new things heh. The only different thing this time is that this is not a mere post like before ones. I'll be writing a photoshop tutorial. It's just a remake though. Nothing to be proud of. Nevertheless, it's my very first one to be published. Actually, this is the consequence when one of those peaceful days of my life have been destroyed by Leo haha.

He buzzed me on YM, urging me to show him the true path of doing one of the tutorials on Abduzzedo XD. Maybe it wasn't clear enough for him. Nevermind. It was an Abduzeedo's reader's tutorial. Some kind of typography. Credits to them. By the moment I write this, I haven't yet asked for their permission. Should I? Heh. Without much ado, let's begin. Leo, I hope this is clear enough for you.

Step 1

Create a new canvas with a black BG colour. In a much simpler language, create a new project. (CTRL + N). In the original tutorial, he says the size of 1200 x 800 pixels. Well, that's a wallpaper resolution, I suppose. Nevertheless, I won't be doing this with that or I will ended up having my system working a bit slower. (Yeah, dummy oldy buddy) Hence, I choose 600 x 500 pixels.

Then, you should have a shape for your design in your canvas. I'll just use a simple one, AF, due to the laziness of creating a complex one XD. It's up to you though. Be creative.

Step 2

Now, hide that by clicking on the EYE thing which is the next to your layer in the layer pallete. Then, create a text box and start typing your text in it, filling all empty spaces. In this case, I just typed my name hehe. For the text setting, I use Segoe UI Bold 9pt #

That's not enough yet. You now need to resize the text box using text tool until it's bigger than your canvas size.

Step 3

Allright. The next thing to do is rotate the text box. About 45 degree will do just fine. However, this step is optional. If you don't feel like having the text slanting, don't do this then.

Step 4

Next, unhide your smart object (the shape that mentioned on the 1st step). Then, make a selection by pressing CTRL and click on the thumbnail of your smart object. It's in you layer pallete. Marching ants (or something) of the selection will then appear around the edges your object.

Step 5

To see your object's selection clearer, hide the object layer again. Then, remember to rasterize your text layer.

Step 6

Select your marquee selection tool . Make sure your text layer is selected. Right click and then select layer via cut. You'll now have a new layer, with your text cut via the shape you just selected.

Step 7

You now can apply some layer style for the new layer. Colour overlay or something. Or you might want to refer to the original tutorial.

Okay, that's it. For the complete tutorial, why don't you view it here? I'll just stop here hehe. I added some elements for the final result. And it turns out like this.

p.s : I don't think that this is quite helpful -.-"
p.s.s : I've downloaded Dark Knight's OST. Suspense music, all of them! Bose
p.s.s.s : I made up the title of this post

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