Alhamdullah. Sampai jgak kat umah akhirnya. HUk2.. Ari Isnin lepas, aku, salah sorang daripada 30 org lebih peserta Qiadah Training Course Edisi ke-6 generasi ke-8 yang dipilih, telah pun menunaikan tugas kitorang sbg peserta. Huhu.. "Pukul 9.30 a.m ada depe BD dah." Tulah arahan yg aku terima drpd saem aku. NK djadikan citer, aku ni xse la lewat2. Jadi, pukul 9 lebeyh da ada la kt skolah. Yang sadisnya, sampai pukul 11 a.m, kitorang still x bertolak lagi. Hangin la ugop. Tapi sabar la. Nak wat gano kan? Sementara menunggu 2, aku, izzul, atif pn lepak2 la dalam bilik Falak. Ish..
X lama selepas tu, tapi lama jugak, Syafiq SBA pn sampai. Dia plak bukan mari sajo g2 jah. Siap bawak cerita drpd peserta QTC tahun lepas.. Katanya diorang tu, sejak detik2 pertama menjejakkan kaki di lokasi tamrin, telah menghadapi dugaan. Beg diorang kena rampas. ISh3.. Menyusahkan orang lipat kaen baju jahs. Yang suweynya, ari last prog bru dibagi balik. SUmat molep. Gano diorang survive, Allahua'lam. Bukan 2 jew. Dengar kata jugak, ( sbnrnya smalam lg rsnya. Ado ore oyat. Huk2 ) antara menu yg plg sedap masa QTC tahun lepas ialah Mee Goreng. Wuu.. Sedap molep. Memang. Dengan extra salt agi~! Hoho.. Sangat bagus buat penghidap darah rendah. Kes3..
Selepas dengar 2, aku mikir semeta. Pagi tu aku pakai smart2 dos. Kalo la beg kena rampas, cemar la baju aku mahal2 2.. XD Jadi, satu inisiatif telah diambil untuk menukar baju 2. Terpaksa la katakan. Iskz.. X lama slps 2, para peserta pn berkumpul la selepas pendaftaran( RM10 kena baya ~_< ). Dop kecek2 semeta, kitorang pn berangkat la. Kata nk gi nge bas, tp len pulop jadinya. Kitorang diangkat suku2 ngan 3 (kalu x silap) buah kete milik abg2 ajk n termasuk Abg Lukmanul Hakim (Ketua Pelajar MML 2005). Bila sampai kat sebuah Kolej gapo Tahfiz gapo Budaya taw, Bunut Umbrella, kitorang ditinggalkan terkapai-kapai di situ. Geng aku la yg 1st sampai (Abg Najmullah hantar). Tadop ore lasum. So, lepak jew la dalam surau muslimin tingkat bawah. Lebih kurang pukul 12p.m masa 2.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Qiadah Training Course : Part Two
Tunggu punya tunggu, Abg Soleh (ada gak panggil Solehah) pn sampai sebelum Zohor. Dari mana entah la. Kecek2 smeta, pas2 g pulop. Kut yo lah mano. Selepas tu, kitorang pn solat Zohor scara berjemaah. Then, kitorang merana kelaparan buat seketika sblm makanan tgh hari sampai. Nasi bungkus. Dalam pukul 3, kalo x silap. Iskz.. Slps 2, aktiviti melepak disambung. Kijoan sungguh. Nak dijadikan cerita lg, warga banat pn sampai selepas 2. Ngeh3 XD Tapi diorang g petang. Aku tataw la napo g2. sumatan sungguh. Uh..
Selepas petang 2, aku x ingat ngan detail dah hari2 kami meneruskan hidup di sana. Banyak sgt untuk diingat. Isk3.. Jadi, just oyat gitu2 jah la. [ "Gitu.. Gitu la.." Teringat pulop modal sape la ntah masa pembentangan ] Antara yg kitorang bt kat sana ialah semaye, dengar2 ceramah Ilmiah, gotu, goni dan macam2 lg. Mas'ul banin yg sulung ialah Hasnan Daud. Sekelas ngan aku dalam 2 Mekah ari 2. Pastu, Farid (jah igt). Nak jadi cam Tok Guru katanya. Memang steady molep r mamat nih. N slps 2 pulak Idlan. Saem lamo. Malam last 2, Mat(taw la gapo namo sebenar diew), sep Maahad Kangkung dipilih sbg Spare-Part beliau. Huk3.. OKey ugop r diew ni. Mas'ulah aku x igt. Tapi yg last 2 Maahad Kangkung ugop.
Semasa prog 2, banyak la hop x kenal. Tapi lepas 2, buleh la jadi saem. Hop kenal doh adew jgak. Ehem2.. jange mikir pelip2 la.. ~_O Semasa LDK, antara tajuk2 yg dibincangkan ialah Harakah Islamiah, Roket Penyelamat n ntah la apa lg. Bab kecek2 depe nih aku memang kurang. Tapi sekurang2nya adew r pengalaman. Huk2.. Pas 2, adew gak slot hop mano yg bertuah kena kecek kat depan. Public speaking. Nombor tertentu akan dipilih. Pas2 diew kena kutip tajuk secara rambang dalam Mangkuk Tajuk2.. Akaka.. Izzul kena. Pas2 aku mungkin xdew harapan nk kena agknya. Sbb dio no 7, aku no 6. Nk wat camne.. Ish3.. Atif no 12. Tapi mujur bg diew banat hop kena pilih. kes3.. Walaupn rasa mujur, tapi sedeyh jugop r x dipilih ntok kecek depe. Nk wat gano, kalu secara sukarela, tobat aku x g. hua2..
Qiamullail bt sekali jahs.. 1st night.. isk3.. Kecek bab make pulop. Mula2 tu, makanan molep2 gak la.. Pahtu, kemolepan 2 berkurang sket demi sket. Huk2.. Antara makanan hop dihide : Kek pise, jeput malah, biskut tawar, nasi kuah sayur n gapo ag taw.. Hop last, nasik goreng dgn telur goreng. Buleh kiro ugop pado hop sblumnya. Kes3 Makanan perpisahan. Hua2.. Diorang lupa beli garam dalam QTC nih. Masa prog 2, kalu x silap aku, ado 2 org banat hilang kewarasan dgn pengsan. Kes2.. sekali masa last night kt bunut payong 2. Abg Najmu kecek2, bg tazkirah nk bg kesedaran kpd sep kitorang. Tanggungjawab kita sbg Hamba, Dai'e, seorang Muslim dan sbagainya. Gapo teks diew aku x taw la.. Dengar2 g2 jah.. Nk wat gano.. Ngatop lor.. Sengguk2 ble dok dengar. Tp mujur x rebah sbb kena berdiri maso 2.. ISk3..XD Banat plak ada jerit2.. Maso ni la sorang 2 pengsan~
Selepas petang 2, aku x ingat ngan detail dah hari2 kami meneruskan hidup di sana. Banyak sgt untuk diingat. Isk3.. Jadi, just oyat gitu2 jah la. [ "Gitu.. Gitu la.." Teringat pulop modal sape la ntah masa pembentangan ] Antara yg kitorang bt kat sana ialah semaye, dengar2 ceramah Ilmiah, gotu, goni dan macam2 lg. Mas'ul banin yg sulung ialah Hasnan Daud. Sekelas ngan aku dalam 2 Mekah ari 2. Pastu, Farid (jah igt). Nak jadi cam Tok Guru katanya. Memang steady molep r mamat nih. N slps 2 pulak Idlan. Saem lamo. Malam last 2, Mat(taw la gapo namo sebenar diew), sep Maahad Kangkung dipilih sbg Spare-Part beliau. Huk3.. OKey ugop r diew ni. Mas'ulah aku x igt. Tapi yg last 2 Maahad Kangkung ugop.
Semasa prog 2, banyak la hop x kenal. Tapi lepas 2, buleh la jadi saem. Hop kenal doh adew jgak. Ehem2.. jange mikir pelip2 la.. ~_O Semasa LDK, antara tajuk2 yg dibincangkan ialah Harakah Islamiah, Roket Penyelamat n ntah la apa lg. Bab kecek2 depe nih aku memang kurang. Tapi sekurang2nya adew r pengalaman. Huk2.. Pas 2, adew gak slot hop mano yg bertuah kena kecek kat depan. Public speaking. Nombor tertentu akan dipilih. Pas2 diew kena kutip tajuk secara rambang dalam Mangkuk Tajuk2.. Akaka.. Izzul kena. Pas2 aku mungkin xdew harapan nk kena agknya. Sbb dio no 7, aku no 6. Nk wat camne.. Ish3.. Atif no 12. Tapi mujur bg diew banat hop kena pilih. kes3.. Walaupn rasa mujur, tapi sedeyh jugop r x dipilih ntok kecek depe. Nk wat gano, kalu secara sukarela, tobat aku x g. hua2..
Qiamullail bt sekali jahs.. 1st night.. isk3.. Kecek bab make pulop. Mula2 tu, makanan molep2 gak la.. Pahtu, kemolepan 2 berkurang sket demi sket. Huk2.. Antara makanan hop dihide : Kek pise, jeput malah, biskut tawar, nasi kuah sayur n gapo ag taw.. Hop last, nasik goreng dgn telur goreng. Buleh kiro ugop pado hop sblumnya. Kes3 Makanan perpisahan. Hua2.. Diorang lupa beli garam dalam QTC nih. Masa prog 2, kalu x silap aku, ado 2 org banat hilang kewarasan dgn pengsan. Kes2.. sekali masa last night kt bunut payong 2. Abg Najmu kecek2, bg tazkirah nk bg kesedaran kpd sep kitorang. Tanggungjawab kita sbg Hamba, Dai'e, seorang Muslim dan sbagainya. Gapo teks diew aku x taw la.. Dengar2 g2 jah.. Nk wat gano.. Ngatop lor.. Sengguk2 ble dok dengar. Tp mujur x rebah sbb kena berdiri maso 2.. ISk3..XD Banat plak ada jerit2.. Maso ni la sorang 2 pengsan~
Qiadah Training Course : Part Three
Slps perkecekan itu, kitorang pn masuk blik smula. Kitorang, warga banin, bincang2 pasal cara nk buat Abe Soleh marah. Bukan apew. Niatnya nk suruh apew yg dialami 2 kekal dalam palo otop nih. Namun, idea tu ditolak. Ado sorang bangkang. Prog 2 adew banin n banat. Kalu sorang buat, semua kena. Jadi, diorang x patut terlibat. Sian pulop. Ish2.. Abg Soleh n Abg Najmu pn nampak x bape sehat. Effect drpd 'Hujan' semasa perhimpunan Bersih agaknya. Tambahan pula, kalu wat tolol2, mustahil cerita2 pelik psl Maahadianz xkan tersebar. Jadi, rancangan 2 x sesuai diteruskan.
Last day, sblum slot wida', Abe mintak komen2 drpd kitorang psl prog 2. Kitorang difahamkan bhw 2 la tamrin paling steady pernah diadakan. Aku pn rasa g2 gak walaupn x pernah g tamrin len. Wakaka.. Kitorang la peserta tamrin pertama yg diadakan pd bulan 11. Selalunya, bulan 3 - 5. Lebih kurang bahan kajian la.. Isk3.. Wakil2 banin n banat pn kecek la apew2 yg nak dikecek. Mintak maaf n komen2.. Syed Hamzi last skali.. Xleh lari bab makan diew nih.
Maso slot wida', cam bese la. Dalam bulatan pastu salam n hug sorang2.. Ado hop jerit.. ado dop termasuk aku.. Kali nih x leh jerit pulop serow.. x macam biasa. Aku tataw nape air matew xse kuar. Keno potong sbb x bayar bil kot.. XD Pah2, pakat amik gambar belakew. Bapew kali taw la. Isk3.. bab balik plak, kitorang kelik cam gi sana gak. Kapal terbang rosak masa 2.. Kes3 Ngan 3 buah kete. Kali nih aku, atif, izzul, syafiq sba n khairul naek kete abg lukman. Sempat la diew kecek2 sket. Sep2 nih senyap belakow. ish3.. Akhirnya, sampai la di bumi Maahad Muhammadi Lelaki. Ckg Nasir adew kt skolah. Wat gaop tataw la. Pas2, masing2 pergi membawa diri mengikut haluan yg tersendiri.. Huhu~
(Lupa lak nak sbut pasal barang amanah n riadhah [mummy, kumpulan binatang, belit2 tangan] Takpe arh )
Tulah antara cebisan pengalaman yg aku alami smase tamrin 2 selama 4 hari (19 Nov - 22 Nov). InsyaALLAH prog tu xkan jadi sia2 terhadap aku. Amin. Wassalam.
Last day, sblum slot wida', Abe mintak komen2 drpd kitorang psl prog 2. Kitorang difahamkan bhw 2 la tamrin paling steady pernah diadakan. Aku pn rasa g2 gak walaupn x pernah g tamrin len. Wakaka.. Kitorang la peserta tamrin pertama yg diadakan pd bulan 11. Selalunya, bulan 3 - 5. Lebih kurang bahan kajian la.. Isk3.. Wakil2 banin n banat pn kecek la apew2 yg nak dikecek. Mintak maaf n komen2.. Syed Hamzi last skali.. Xleh lari bab makan diew nih.
Maso slot wida', cam bese la. Dalam bulatan pastu salam n hug sorang2.. Ado hop jerit.. ado dop termasuk aku.. Kali nih x leh jerit pulop serow.. x macam biasa. Aku tataw nape air matew xse kuar. Keno potong sbb x bayar bil kot.. XD Pah2, pakat amik gambar belakew. Bapew kali taw la. Isk3.. bab balik plak, kitorang kelik cam gi sana gak. Kapal terbang rosak masa 2.. Kes3 Ngan 3 buah kete. Kali nih aku, atif, izzul, syafiq sba n khairul naek kete abg lukman. Sempat la diew kecek2 sket. Sep2 nih senyap belakow. ish3.. Akhirnya, sampai la di bumi Maahad Muhammadi Lelaki. Ckg Nasir adew kt skolah. Wat gaop tataw la. Pas2, masing2 pergi membawa diri mengikut haluan yg tersendiri.. Huhu~
(Lupa lak nak sbut pasal barang amanah n riadhah [mummy, kumpulan binatang, belit2 tangan] Takpe arh )
Tulah antara cebisan pengalaman yg aku alami smase tamrin 2 selama 4 hari (19 Nov - 22 Nov). InsyaALLAH prog tu xkan jadi sia2 terhadap aku. Amin. Wassalam.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Pelawat dari N9
Salam~ Terima kaseh sebab sudi menjenguk blog yang bez nih lagi~ (kalo da pernah jenguk) Hak2,, Erm.. POst nih pelik sket sebab ni la 1st post dalam bahase Melayu ( Malaysia &_& ) dalam blog nih. Ado selit bahaso Kelate ugop~ Huk2 (Buke selit, tapi banyok serow, Huhu),, Ajatnyo nk tulis dale bahaso Ore Putih ugop bena,, tp takut xdop ore nk baco pulop.. Mana taw x pehe~ Huhu (x pehe sebab banyak kesalohe geremer,, buke bahaso tinggi,, belit2 pulop ayat~ Ahakz)
Ari nih ado pelawat gi sekolos~ Nak dijadikan citew, kena la terlibat dale majlis tuh~ Adeyhs.. Pelancong hop mari tu dari Sekolah Menengah Ugama Rembau, Rempau, Rempah or gapo2 hop dekat2 nge yg tertulis tuh~ Hak2,, x ingat pulop namo koloh yo.. Ore Negeri 9 tu.. Pelawat sapa kul 9 ('Sungguh molep nk mari~Huhu).. Sebab sep yo sapa kul 9,, kalutlah jadinyew~ Nak wat ganow,, laptop x bereh agi maso 2.. Mujo la LCD nge layar (hop pinje nge asrama la nih) dipase awal2.. Kalu dop gap, pehe2 sediri la.. HUk2..
Sekadar gambar bas yang dihiaskan sbg hiasan. xde kene
mengene dengan kisah yang diceritakan.. hak3 =)
Bilo laptop sapa, LCD buat hal supo sekalo la, hop mano jadi kewajipan di sesetengah tempat~ Huhu,, Lepah betol2 molep dah, kena tukar LCD laen pulop,, X leh harap manew hop 2, katanya (ikot la kata sapo2 pn).. Jadinyew, kena la hungga gi Bilik Pusat Sumber (meme ado ko 'bilik' depe tu es?) pulop.. lepas tu, kena hungga balik gi bilik gerake la~ Mujur la lepah tu xdop gapo2 masalah.. Sapa la tourist2 tu balik~ Lega pulop serow..
Tapi loni, keno tunggu minggu depe pulop,, (x tunggu pn xpo bena) Ado pelawat len pulop nak mari.. Kali nih kena ready awal dos.. x se doh lewat2.. huhu..
Tu jah la nk oyat kali nih dale versi khas nih, bahaso Kelate.. X taw pahnih ado agi ko dop,, Nati nk wat bahaso Arab pulop~ Hak2.. Okep.. Wassalam~
Ari nih ado pelawat gi sekolos~ Nak dijadikan citew, kena la terlibat dale majlis tuh~ Adeyhs.. Pelancong hop mari tu dari Sekolah Menengah Ugama Rembau, Rempau, Rempah or gapo2 hop dekat2 nge yg tertulis tuh~ Hak2,, x ingat pulop namo koloh yo.. Ore Negeri 9 tu.. Pelawat sapa kul 9 ('Sungguh molep nk mari~Huhu).. Sebab sep yo sapa kul 9,, kalutlah jadinyew~ Nak wat ganow,, laptop x bereh agi maso 2.. Mujo la LCD nge layar (hop pinje nge asrama la nih) dipase awal2.. Kalu dop gap, pehe2 sediri la.. HUk2..

mengene dengan kisah yang diceritakan.. hak3 =)
Bilo laptop sapa, LCD buat hal supo sekalo la, hop mano jadi kewajipan di sesetengah tempat~ Huhu,, Lepah betol2 molep dah, kena tukar LCD laen pulop,, X leh harap manew hop 2, katanya (ikot la kata sapo2 pn).. Jadinyew, kena la hungga gi Bilik Pusat Sumber (meme ado ko 'bilik' depe tu es?) pulop.. lepas tu, kena hungga balik gi bilik gerake la~ Mujur la lepah tu xdop gapo2 masalah.. Sapa la tourist2 tu balik~ Lega pulop serow..
Tapi loni, keno tunggu minggu depe pulop,, (x tunggu pn xpo bena) Ado pelawat len pulop nak mari.. Kali nih kena ready awal dos.. x se doh lewat2.. huhu..
Tu jah la nk oyat kali nih dale versi khas nih, bahaso Kelate.. X taw pahnih ado agi ko dop,, Nati nk wat bahaso Arab pulop~ Hak2.. Okep.. Wassalam~
Monday, November 5, 2007
JK Rowling stated that Dumbledore is a Gay
"Dumbledore is gay, actually". That was the answer given by JK Rowling as she was asked by her fan whether Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore had ever loved anyone, making all the audience at Carnegie Hall in New York on Friday night, 19 October 2007 ( I suppose) during her book promotion, surprised. Surely it was~! Ish2,,
Dumbledore had an unrequited love affair with his "friend", Gellert Grindelwald. Isk3.. All the same, JK Rowling has managed to create a very very very good secretive character in Harry Potter. Don't you think so~? I did suprise to read the statements, nevertheless, was grateful that it wasn't me~! Hak3,, Rowling added, "I would have told you earlier if I knew it (the revelation of Dumbledore's secret) would make you so happy." x_x All the same, deep in my heart (ceyh =p ), I hope she ( JKR) would never make the above statements~! =(
Besides, JK Rowling was also questioned "Did Hagrid (bet that you might remember the half-giant buddy.. Ish3) marry?" Sadly, Rowling replied "No". He had a flirtation with a giantess, yet, was rejected. Consequently, the relationship never went forward. Poor bloke. Isk3.. The audience groaned in dismay. Rowling then, jokingly, said, "OK, I'll write another book." As the audience continued expressing disapproval, she added, "At least I didn't kill him." (That sounded as if she was sulking~ Hak3,, Don't you think so~? Huhu)
Anyway, what is the point of the statement? I don't know~ Isk3,,
Alright then. Byez~ Ish3
Dumbledore had an unrequited love affair with his "friend", Gellert Grindelwald. Isk3.. All the same, JK Rowling has managed to create a very very very good secretive character in Harry Potter. Don't you think so~? I did suprise to read the statements, nevertheless, was grateful that it wasn't me~! Hak3,, Rowling added, "I would have told you earlier if I knew it (the revelation of Dumbledore's secret) would make you so happy." x_x All the same, deep in my heart (ceyh =p ), I hope she ( JKR) would never make the above statements~! =(
Besides, JK Rowling was also questioned "Did Hagrid (bet that you might remember the half-giant buddy.. Ish3) marry?" Sadly, Rowling replied "No". He had a flirtation with a giantess, yet, was rejected. Consequently, the relationship never went forward. Poor bloke. Isk3.. The audience groaned in dismay. Rowling then, jokingly, said, "OK, I'll write another book." As the audience continued expressing disapproval, she added, "At least I didn't kill him." (That sounded as if she was sulking~ Hak3,, Don't you think so~? Huhu)
Anyway, what is the point of the statement? I don't know~ Isk3,,
Alright then. Byez~ Ish3
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Actually I have nothing to post here..
All the same, it struck me that i should update this blog, the one that i'm trying to blog more seriously than the formers,, huhuhu..
SO, in this post, I would like to tell you that I've finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,, hak3
What a post,, =p
I did enjoy reading the last top-selling book, authored by Joanne Kathleen Rowling, indeed.
( I hope I'd spelled her name correctly~! Huhu )
What a fantastic way to end the fascinating story, which has brought severe fever throughout the Earth, as far as I know. Don't you think so~?
I've started reading Harry Potter series ever since the farewell of PMRU. As a way to release the pressure of studying hard [:-/], of course,, Ahakz.. Anyway, Harry Potter, indeed, the only man's work ( erm.. woman's, to be precise~ =p ) that ever succeeds to make me sheer addicted of it. Be that as it may, I may not be just fanatic of the fiction as some of the others, as though they are Imperiused, Confunded or something,, isk3..
As I started reading it, it was utter hard to part the novel. Is it a cursed a tale? I don't know, yet, it can be,, ahakz...
I'm really attracted with the magical world imagined in such amazing lines. I'm sure other Harry Potter fans will also agree with it. What 'bout you~? Huhu...
The Sun and the moon kept playing their parts, and the days stretched to months ( JK Rowling's sentence~! =p) as I continued reading Harry Potter earnestly, which is a common to new readers, I suppose. At last, I'd done reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince at the end of December 2006, which did not utter satisfied me as Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix did. Anyway, it is still a great read~! Ish2.. Consequently, I waited for the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, ending of the series... Isk3...
I started reading the last one before the PMR,, in the first days of August, I suppose, and that worried me a bit. It might distract me from the examination. So, I decided to stop for a while for my own sake. =p And that was in September, I guess... Uhh,, so close~! ish3..
However, began reading again, I successfully reached the last page on 3rd November 2007 at 12.44pm,Saturday.. Huhuhu~ What a long time, isn't it? Well, it is, frankly. No wonder of it because as the exam ended, I faced great obstacles in order to continue reading,, Hak23
They're Mr. Laziness and Mr. Lack of Time~ ( If you think that's funny, laugh, then. =p ) Despite of that, I gathered all my strength to drop my eyes on those wonderful sentences again,, =)
Harry Potter ends euphorically, which Harry ends up as the Head of Auror Department at Ministary of Magic, having Ronald Weasley under him. I do like to write all 'bout the endings of other characters that are not mentioned in the last novel, but I'm a bit lazy~ Huk2
Nevertheless, I might spent some time of the future to compose a new post of them all,, Ish2
Enough for now~ I think this is already too long~! Should think up of writing a novel too, I guess,, hak7
Havaniceday~ =)
Actually I have nothing to post here..
All the same, it struck me that i should update this blog, the one that i'm trying to blog more seriously than the formers,, huhuhu..
SO, in this post, I would like to tell you that I've finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,, hak3
What a post,, =p
I did enjoy reading the last top-selling book, authored by Joanne Kathleen Rowling, indeed.
( I hope I'd spelled her name correctly~! Huhu )
What a fantastic way to end the fascinating story, which has brought severe fever throughout the Earth, as far as I know. Don't you think so~?
I've started reading Harry Potter series ever since the farewell of PMRU. As a way to release the pressure of studying hard [:-/], of course,, Ahakz.. Anyway, Harry Potter, indeed, the only man's work ( erm.. woman's, to be precise~ =p ) that ever succeeds to make me sheer addicted of it. Be that as it may, I may not be just fanatic of the fiction as some of the others, as though they are Imperiused, Confunded or something,, isk3..
As I started reading it, it was utter hard to part the novel. Is it a cursed a tale? I don't know, yet, it can be,, ahakz...
I'm really attracted with the magical world imagined in such amazing lines. I'm sure other Harry Potter fans will also agree with it. What 'bout you~? Huhu...
The Sun and the moon kept playing their parts, and the days stretched to months ( JK Rowling's sentence~! =p) as I continued reading Harry Potter earnestly, which is a common to new readers, I suppose. At last, I'd done reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince at the end of December 2006, which did not utter satisfied me as Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix did. Anyway, it is still a great read~! Ish2.. Consequently, I waited for the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, ending of the series... Isk3...
I started reading the last one before the PMR,, in the first days of August, I suppose, and that worried me a bit. It might distract me from the examination. So, I decided to stop for a while for my own sake. =p And that was in September, I guess... Uhh,, so close~! ish3..
However, began reading again, I successfully reached the last page on 3rd November 2007 at 12.44pm,Saturday.. Huhuhu~ What a long time, isn't it? Well, it is, frankly. No wonder of it because as the exam ended, I faced great obstacles in order to continue reading,, Hak23
They're Mr. Laziness and Mr. Lack of Time~ ( If you think that's funny, laugh, then. =p ) Despite of that, I gathered all my strength to drop my eyes on those wonderful sentences again,, =)
Harry Potter ends euphorically, which Harry ends up as the Head of Auror Department at Ministary of Magic, having Ronald Weasley under him. I do like to write all 'bout the endings of other characters that are not mentioned in the last novel, but I'm a bit lazy~ Huk2
Nevertheless, I might spent some time of the future to compose a new post of them all,, Ish2
Enough for now~ I think this is already too long~! Should think up of writing a novel too, I guess,, hak7
Havaniceday~ =)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Keyboard and DVD Recorder
A few days ago, i've deteceted that my wasn't functioning properly. [owh, great~!]
I was unable to use few keys : 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 0, and F5.
Well, it was really annoying to use on screen keyboard everytime I need to use those keys. Damn it.
I really need them for my usual ativities.
Due to this prob, I can't chat on YM comfortably as usual ( ARGH~! ).
Also, it was hard for actionscripting, HTML and CSS coding, and even when using Photoshop! ( I usually view my brushes using the F5 key ).
Cannot stand this problem anymore, I end up buying a new keyboard. A Logitech Classic Keyboard Plus ( RM 25 ) at PC Depot. Though it is a bit sickening one, I'm not having much probs when using it.
That's my keyboard story.

Besides, I also bought a DVD Recorder, Memorex SuperMulti 20X DVD-Writer - Lightscribe ( IDE ) [RM 119].
I've been very keen to have one and I finally have it installed in my CPU. Huhu..
Anyway, is it a good one? I got no idea bout that.. LOL.. Just bought and take it home.
Be that as it may, I hope it won't be really bad.. It looks fine to date...
I've started burning my files into CDs as my hard disk's capacity is ceasing... Isk3..
(And the hard disk capacity is just 30GB! Need a new one too, I suppose)

Buying those items make my notes swept away as swift as Swift 3D.. =(
Ops.. COrrection : as swift as leaves blown by the wind.. Huhu..
So now, I sheer need a new budget management.. Iskz...
It seems i gotta start saving again.. @_@
And, not to be forgotten, if you feel like helping me, I want you to know that you're always welcomed.. Hehe..
Wassalam.. Havaniceday~!
I was unable to use few keys : 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 0, and F5.
Well, it was really annoying to use on screen keyboard everytime I need to use those keys. Damn it.
I really need them for my usual ativities.
Due to this prob, I can't chat on YM comfortably as usual ( ARGH~! ).
Also, it was hard for actionscripting, HTML and CSS coding, and even when using Photoshop! ( I usually view my brushes using the F5 key ).
Cannot stand this problem anymore, I end up buying a new keyboard. A Logitech Classic Keyboard Plus ( RM 25 ) at PC Depot. Though it is a bit sickening one, I'm not having much probs when using it.
That's my keyboard story.

Besides, I also bought a DVD Recorder, Memorex SuperMulti 20X DVD-Writer - Lightscribe ( IDE ) [RM 119].
I've been very keen to have one and I finally have it installed in my CPU. Huhu..
Anyway, is it a good one? I got no idea bout that.. LOL.. Just bought and take it home.
Be that as it may, I hope it won't be really bad.. It looks fine to date...
I've started burning my files into CDs as my hard disk's capacity is ceasing... Isk3..
(And the hard disk capacity is just 30GB! Need a new one too, I suppose)

Buying those items make my notes swept away as swift as Swift 3D.. =(
Ops.. COrrection : as swift as leaves blown by the wind.. Huhu..
So now, I sheer need a new budget management.. Iskz...
It seems i gotta start saving again.. @_@
And, not to be forgotten, if you feel like helping me, I want you to know that you're always welcomed.. Hehe..
Wassalam.. Havaniceday~!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
My Very 1st Post
huhu,, starting from today ( erm..night actually ), i've thought of creating a blog, right after viewing someone's.
it might be a worthwile thing to do. that's what i think.
i usually wasting my time for the same (boring, a bit) thing, everyday, and everytime i go online.
maybe it's the time for doing something else. huhu...
furthermore, this might be helpful in my old ages...
( well, i might forget numerous things on the forthcoming days, though i hope it won't happen..huhu..who wants? right? )
it seems...that's all for this time.
couldn't think up anything else to be written...isk3...
okay then...
wassalam =)
it might be a worthwile thing to do. that's what i think.
i usually wasting my time for the same (boring, a bit) thing, everyday, and everytime i go online.
maybe it's the time for doing something else. huhu...
furthermore, this might be helpful in my old ages...
( well, i might forget numerous things on the forthcoming days, though i hope it won't happen..huhu..who wants? right? )
it seems...that's all for this time.
couldn't think up anything else to be written...isk3...
okay then...
wassalam =)
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